Salam to all...
last Thursday lepas abeh kelas Dr. Dinna yang anggun tuh aku, erin, diba and hani punye la semangat nak g jogging. aku siap bawak track suit dari umah and siap-siap pakai sport shoes g class. yang cik yani pulak melarikan diri. takpe-takpe.nanti kena la denda.hehehe..kenape tetibe nak g jog eh?entah la.sebab nak release stress maybe. or saje nak jalan-jalan. tapi untuk aku sile la refer gambar kat bawah ni ye. baru korang paham.
huhuhu~paham kan?badan makin gebu je. tapi kitaorang ni takde la jogging mane.banyak amek gambar je. kat sini ade fun facts about exercising. bace ye.
Fun Fact # 1: There is no need to follow an exhaustive
exercise regime. Breathing will do the trick! Yes, breathing can help you lose
weight. The more oxygen you take in, the higher your metabolism rate will be;
the more calories you can burn; and the less hungry you will feel. Easting less
and metabolizing more of the calories you do ingest are two of the greatest
weight loss enticers known.
Fun Fact # 2: Playing with your children or grandchildren
for just one hour can burn as many calories as walking briskly for the same
amount of time. Now, which is more fun? (untuk kite-kite yang takde anak rajin-rajin la kejar anak buah anda. kalau takde gak g kejar kucing satu umah)
Fun Fact # 3: Eat just 13 packs of cookies (now admit it,
that isn't all that difficult), and you will increase by one entire dress size.
Now, how long will it take you to jog that extra weight off? More than 100
hours on the treadmill! If that does not keep you away from the cookie jar, I
don't know what will.
Fun Fact # 4: Are you a soda-holic? Join the crowd. The
average American adult downs 45 gallons of soft drinks every year. But did you
know that that equals 21 pounds of body fat!
Fun Fact # 5: Eating spicy foods an hour or two before you
work out can increase your metabolism by as much as 50% -- now that is a
tastier way to burn more calories. (lepas ni sebelum jogging ke exercise ke makan dulu bende pedas ye.lagi cepat nak kurus)
Fun Fact # 6: Standing up straight burns more calories than
slouching - just one more reason for good posture. Stand up straight. Good
posture burns more calories than slouching
Fun Fact # 7: Ditch the aerobics class if you want to lose
weight. Opt instead for a little home improvement. It has been proven that
painting a room; shampooing a rug or doing a bit of landscaping in the yard can
burn twice as many calories in an hour than a medium-intensity aerobics class
can! (rajin kan diri kemas umah, kemas je. dari buang-buang duit g class aerobic tu.kalau kemas umah puasati la gak nampak umah kemas and bersih je)
dah bace? bawah ni gambar-gambar kami yang kekonon g jogging. enjoice!
bawah jejantas pun buleh amek gambar.
dah penat round tasik Shah Alam, makan ice-cream McD lak
okeh.dah abeh conteng.tata!